Get to know the MF Team!

Brandon Marszalski


Favorite MF Beards Scent

Apple Sauced

From the very beginning I’ve had an entrepreneurial mindset. During my time in the service industry I dedicated myself to ensuring overall customer satisfaction. However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there were other ways to make a business successful through maintaining high standards, keeping core values, and leading with integrity.

I’ve been a car enthusiast since I was a kid, which led to my love for muscle cars, imports, and overall fascination of car culture (excluding stanced cars). I am a movie & crime TV junkie. You can find my significant other, Katie, and I generally watching movies involving Nic Cage or knock-off Chris Pratt (Patrick Wilson). We even enjoy movies with little to no plot at all (which includes the vastly underrated 200 Miles Per Hour and Singham).

Oh yeah, and I’m also a Wrestling & WWE nerd. “What?”

Being a Co-founder of MFBeards Co, my mission is to put my skills to the test and make the best of this venture. I want to show that I am able to drive success while maintaining creative control over my personal brand while delivering on the best product and service I’m able to offer.

Eric Feuerstein


Favorite MF Beards Scent

Freshly Minted

I am one of the founders of MFBeards Co. I’ve spent over 15 years in the dynamic world of retail management. Outside the hustle and bustle of retail, you’ll find me spending time with my wife Liz and 13 year old son Jacob.

I have a passion for cars and finding joy in what makes them work. I actually went to school for automotive engineering before I got into retail. Food is another escape of mine, on any given night I am normally in the kitchen with an ice cold beer, some music and a ton of pots or pans on the stove top.

I enjoy southern comfort food, midwest bbq, south american inspired cuisine and nothing ever beats a New York style pizza.

To unwind and savor the moments, I have a ritual that involves a glass of whiskey, a finely rolled cigar, and some music.
Jump on in and hold on for the ride, “when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour… you’re gonna see some serious s**t”

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